Benefits Of Using Timber Frame For Construction
Timber is an excellent construction material and is extensively used in many countries across the globe for constructing houses. In this article we shall look at some of the major advantages of suing timber frame for construction. So let us look at some of the major advantage of using timber as a construction material. Let us see what makes timber so unique. For Timber Frame construction, consider QTF. For energy efficient timber houses- One of the key benefits of wood is that, it can minimize energy consumption in a wide array of ways. A study conducted on affiliated concerns showed how timber frame houses have time and again remarkably outperformed houses made from steel and concrete, as far as efficiency is in concern. Timber acts as a store for carbon- timber is basically a composite of carbon drawn from the atmosphere; the carbon in the atmosphere which would have been otherwise adding to green house effect. When you are using timber in the construction or the frame of the...