Major Benefits of Using Timber Frame For Construction

One of the major facts in favor of SIP against Fiberglass structure is that the flow of air via SIP is less than 10% of what goes through the fiber-glass structure. With SIPs, HVAC systems can be sized smaller, cost less, and still have higher SEER ratings (higher efficiency). There is little temperature variation throughout the building…no hot or cold spots. Usually less wood is used in timber frames than in a stud-wall structure. Use of sustainable materials, such as local wood, contributes to a lower carbon footprint and lower cost to the environment. Usually local wood is used because of which the carbon footprint left is minimal or negligible. The waste product is minimal in the contraction of the timber frame. Less waste entails less pressure on waste treatment plants/landfills. This again is extremely beneficial for the environment. The waste produced in the construction of this frame is usually timber itself. Timber waste can be rec...